Email from Steve Fix:
Dear All:
This program, dismissing complaints under Rule 12, is anything but boring. The bar association has put two top notch (and quite humorous) speakers together on the panel. The Honorable Barry Russell and Scott Bovitz will take us through a neat power point presentation on taking apart an opponent’s complaint, strategies whether you should bring a motion to dismiss and all of the fun that goes into these motions.
Some of you may be saying “I do not do litigation so I do not need this program.” I beg to differ. You need this program so that you stay up on litigation, so that you know the questions (and maybe some answers) and so that when your client asks you to look at a complaint, you will have tools to ably advise your client. For those of you who do litigation, get some knowledge and wisdom for two highly experienced people.
The speakers put together really good materials. It is now up to you, the audience, to sign up. Here are the particulars:
Date: Friday, February 5, 2021
Time: 12 to 1:15 p.m.
MCLE: 1 and ¼ hours (The program will go beyond 1:15 p.m. based on how many minutes after 12 noon the program starts.)
Location: Virtual by Zoom
Cost: Members $20.00
Non-Members $30.00
Materials: Fabulous
How to sign up:
- Go to, select calendar and work your way through the process.
- Email Linda Temkin at for assistance
- (Last ditch option) Call Linda Temkin at the bar office (818) 227-0490 and when your message is picked up, she will call you back. Email will be faster.
As always, if you do not want to receive these emails, just email me back and I will remove your email address.
Take care. I hope to see you at the meeting.
Steven R. Fox