Judge Zurzolo instructions for his November 16, 2020 chapter 13 hearings

Email from Keith Higgenbotham:

Dear Colleagues!

Judge Zurzolo has asked that attorneys appearing on his upcoming Ch13 Cf hearings for MONDAY, November 16th register their appearances with his chambers AS SOON AS POSSIBLE (now!) due to the number of matters on that calendar. Instructions for registration can be found below — including allowing you to register for more than 1 hearing in one email for ALL appearances for that day for that attorney.

As you may be aware, Judge Zurzolo was the first Judge to create a toll free appearance line so that we do not need to use CourtCall.  As a trade-off, we are REQUIRED to register your appearance(s) with his chambers beforehand using a new specific email address.

Since the Ch13 calendar has many matters on it, the Court is requiring all attorneys appearing on that calendar to begin registering NOW with Judge Zurzolo’s chambers, as is required.  Also, the Court is requiring ALL to register by NO LATER THAN 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday 11-11 — instead of the usual noon on the day prior to the hearing.

The Court has assisted us in posting the 11/16 calendar early and has been posted it on the Tentative Rulings page of the Court’s website with the following instructions (see below) on registering for appearances.

The Court is prepared to accept registrations beginning TODAY and strongly encourages it.  The Court asks that attorneys begin registering now and definitely no later than Wed 11/11. This will greatly assist Chambers in being prepared for the 11/16 calendar and NOT be deluged at the last minute.



Judge Zurzolo’s courtroom is CLOSED to the public until further notice.

Please refer to the home page of the court’s website for information on public access to the Roybal Building, including General Order 20-06 and Public Notice 20-009. All phone appearances are made on Judge Zurzolo’s toll-free line.

Keith Higginbotham






Judge Zurzolo’s courtroom is CLOSED to the public until further notice.

Please refer to the home page of the court’s website for information on public access to the Roybal Building, including General Order 20-06 and Public Notice 20-009.

 All phone appearances are made on Judge Zurzolo’s toll-free line (see below).


9:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. Plan Confirmation Calendar — Some plan confirmations are approved by consent, in which case an appearance by phone is not needed.

The calendar can be viewed on Judge Zurzolo’s page of the court website.

** Locate the “Chapter 13” tab, then

** Locate the link to Confirmation/Consent Hearing Calendar.

** Plans confirmed by consent are listed first.

** Remaining plan confirmation hearings are held in in numerical sequence according to bankruptcy case number.

10:30 a.m. Miscellaneous Motions Calendar — Please see the calendar below to locate your motion.  Hearings are in numerical sequence according to bankruptcy case number.  If your hearing is vacated or is there is a tentative ruling to grant your motion without the need for an appearance, those will be posted as tentative rulings on Tuesday November 10th.   

Telephonic Appearances: All trustees, attorneys and self-represented parties must appear by phone using a toll-free conference call line dedicated to Judge Zurzolo’s hearings.  Do not arrange your appearance with Court Call or any other paid conference call service

* STEP #1: If your hearing is going forward, you must register for a phone appearance no later than Wednesday 11/11 at 5:00 p.m., using the following procedure:

1)      Send an email to Chambers_VZurzolo@cacb.uscourts.gov

2)      In the subject line, insert “Registration — Telephonic Appearance

3)      Include in the email all the following information:

a.       Your full name, State Bar number, office phone number, and client’s full name

b.       Hearing date and time, and matter number on the calendar

c.       Debtor’s name and case number and, if applicable, adversary procedure number

NOTE:  if you will participate in more than one hearing,

register by sending one email only and, in that email,

provide requested information for each separate hearing.

STEP #2: Join Judge Zurzolo’s conference call line 15 minutes before the hearing.


                 New toll-free conference line: (877) 411-9748     Passcode5919677 

STEP #3: Keep your phone on mute until your hearing matter is called.

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