CLA Business Law Section Program – Hard Money Lending Issues in Bankruptcy – October 29, 2019

Hard Money Lending Issues in Bankruptcy

Presented by the Business Law Section Insolvency Law Standing Committee

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Alston & Bird
333 S. Hope Street, 16th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071

Parking will be validated for cars arriving after 5:30 p.m.


Kit Gardner, Law Offices of Kit J. Gardner
Steven Kurtz, Levinson Arshonsky & Kurtz, LLP
Eve Karasik, Levene, Neale, Bender, Yoo & Brill LLP
Honorable Scott H. Yun, United States Bankruptcy Court

Frequently, a business debtor will resort to private, unregulated lenders to finance its operations. The resulting credit facilities are usually easier to obtain than a traditional bank loan, but come with more strings attached. Moreover, the lender is usually far more active in monitoring and protecting its interest in these risky loans. Therefore, when a business files bankruptcy, the debtor is immediately confronted with a host of unique issues that may determine its future survival, and the lender is confronted with the possibility that it will not receive the full benefit of its bargain.

Earn 1 Hour of MCLE Credit. Includes legal specialization, Bankruptcy Law

Business Law Section • California Lawyers Association • 400 Capitol Mall
Suite 650 • Sacramento, CA 95814 • 916-516-1741 •

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