cdcbaa 9th Circuit Review Coming Up January 12, 2019

Saturday, January 12, 2019

11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

13th Annual Review of 9th Circuit Decisions on Bankruptcy in 2018


Hon. Neil Bason, U.S. Bankruptcy Court – Central District of California
Hon. Christopher M. Klein, U.S. Bankruptcy Court – Eastern District of California
M. Jonathan Hayes, Resnik Hayes Moradi, LLP

This program fills up a large classroom each year. This year we are privileged that Judge Neil Bason of the Central District of California and Judge Christopher Klein of the Eastern District of California will join us for the presentation. The materials will include a case summary of every published 9th Circuit and 9th Circuit BAP case in 2018 and of course the Supreme Court cases that are of interest to bankruptcy practitioners.

Program Location – Southwestern Law School

3050 Wilshire Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90010

Cost of ALL Programs: Free to current cdcbaa Members

Become a member by signing up at our website at  You may also mail your registration form and check to the address listed below or come to the program and pay then.

We are now accepting payments for 2019 membership. Dues remain the same, just $250.  Membership includes up to 8 MCLE seminars at two hours each per calendar year (including the Sixth Annual James T. King Symposium). Those potential sixteen MCLE hours works out to under $20 per unit for MCLE in an area that is practical to your specialty.  Moreover, you’ll get one ticket to the annual Calvin Ashland Awards Dinner, remote webinar participation for MCLE programs (when available) and access to the listserv on which you can discuss the latest bankruptcy issues with knowledgeable and experienced members.

We offer several ways to remit payment:

1) We are offering a $5 discount for payment of your 2019 dues by check if received by 12/31/18. Please mail the attached Membership Application and a check for $245 payable to “cdcbaa” to cdcbaa Treasurer: Jeffrey Hagen, 4559 San Blas Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA 91364.

2) Pay $250 online at Please contact cdcbaa Administrator Linda Righi at if you need assistance logging-on to your member account.

3) Pay $250 at the first program of the year (January 12, 2019) using a credit card, check or exact amount cash.

All cdcbaa programs qualify for California State Bar Bankruptcy Legal Specialization credit.

Judges may attend the programs at no charge.  Judges’ staff, Court Clerk’s staff, and US Trustee employees may attend programs for a one time fee of $50.00. The fee may be paid at the program. No advance notice required.

Video Conferencing of Programs

You can attend all of our Saturday morning programs from home – no additional fees!

Join cdcbaa programs via video conferencing. We are averaging 12 + attendees per program and have room for more. Get a free account on your computer from There are Zoom apps for smart-phones and tablets too, so you can participate in cdcbaa’s programs from anywhere you find an internet connection.

To attend the programs by video conferencing you just need to get a free account at Then you must send an email to our administrator Linda at She will send you the materials for the program and the link the night before the program.

You must be a member of the cdcbaa as always to attend but there is no further cost after that. The sign-in sheets and MCLE certificates are processed through emails with Linda after the program.

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