Ben Reznik to be Honored by Jewish World Watch

Ben and I worked together a long time ago, very early in my career.  I’m happy to pass on the information on the program.

From the flyer,

Ben Reznik, with his wife, Janice Kamenir-Reznik, was a critical moving force in helping to establish Jewish World Watch nearly 15 years ago in response to the Darfuri genocide. He has been a leader for decades in the Los Angeles business and real estate communities as well as in the Jewish community. Ben is Chair of the Government, Land Use, Environment and Energy Department at the esteemed law firm Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LLP and a son of Holocaust survivors who lost many family members in World War II.  Ben’s family history, he says, drives his continuing commitment to JWW’s work to combat contemporary genocides and mass atrocities: “I feel the need and obligation to help to mobilize a robust movement which shines a light on these horrors, to lobby for helpful policies and provide life-saving supplies and assistance for today’s survivors.”

As JWW has expanded to respond to the massive rapes of women of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya of Myanmar, the refugees of Syria and the civil war-induced famine in South Sudan, Ben has been a driving force in JWW’s success, working to ensure the organization’s financial health and viability.

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