Central District Filing Stats for November 2017

It looks like we are going to just barely miss 40,000 filings for the year.

2017 2016 2015 2014
Jan 2,839 2,872 3,364 4,704
Feb 2,795 3,299 3,829 4,574
March 3,782 3,923 4,496 5,430
April 3,209 3,584 4,486 5,364
May 3,384 3,484 3,971 5,500
June 3,252 3,545 3,966 4,386
July 2,953 3,239 3,731 4,701
Aug 3,387 3,543 3,544 4,540
Sept 3,071 3,168 3,493 4,317
Oct 3,170 3,235 3,751 4,554
Nov 3,004 3,025 3,531 3,642
Dec 2,902 2,718 3,733
Total 36,863 41,835 46,895 57,459

Here are the number of filings per chapter for the 11 months of 2017.

Non-Commercial Commercial Chapter 7 Chapter 13 Chapt 11 Other
32,163 2,689 25,761 8,734 350 7

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