New Chapter 13 MOMOD Pilot Program

This is from the master himself, Aki Koyama

Over the years, I’ve found that MOMODS are more successful and much more easier to process and comment on when I have an opportunity to discuss the terms of the MOMOD before it is filed. This way, your client’s MOMOD will reflect what the Trustee’s data base shows for delinquency, infeasibility etc. Also, we can discuss what kind of evidence the Trustee will require for a modification or suspension. Finally, there may be times when you want to propose an unusual modification and want some feedback from the Trustee before you even draft the MOMOD.

The ultimate goal of this pilot program is a more efficient system so that we can avoid unnecessary hearings, delay and frustration. I know it can be difficult to project what can be a moving target at times and to also determine what the Trustee will need to recommend approval of a MOMOD.

If you think that you will find this service useful and/or you have a particularly difficult modification proposal, please follow this procedure:

For Judge Klein, send me an email at with the following in the subject line:

Debtor Name, Case Number and the phrase “MOMOD PREFILING REVIEW REQUEST” and the preferred date and time for the teleconference.

For Judge Bason, send Angela Gill an email at with the same information in the subject line.

You don’t have to type anything into the body of the email and we will respond with a yes as to your date and time or with an alternate date and time.

In any case, please make certain that you take the initiative to call our office at the appointed time.

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