San Fernando Valley Bar Assn Program on Chapter 13 Plans, May 20, 2016

Dear All:

The next Bankruptcy Section program on May 20th at lunch is a rare combination of fun and learning. We did this program last year. People learned a lot and people laughed a lot as well.

This program is the flawed chapter 13 plan. Teams of attorneys have been working for months on putting together a new plan which has subtle flaws and obvious flaws…. a lot of flaws. We break the attending attorneys up into small groups and each group works as a team to find and to list as many mistakes as possible. After perhaps 20 to 30 minutes of group work, we reconvene as a whole and see how many flaws the different groups have found.

Sometimes groups find new undiscovered flaws. It is in fun. It is educational. You get MCLE for this!

Here are the particulars:

Member $35.00

Non-Members $55.00

Member at Door $45.00

Non-Member at Door $65.00

Government rate – contact Linda Temkin at the Bar office. It’s real cheap.

San Fernando Valley Bar Association address is 5567 Reseda Blvd., Ste 200, Tarzana, CA 91356

To make a reservation, you may do any of the following:

Telephone (818) 227-0490 ext.105. Ask for Linda Temkin.

Facsimile (818) 227-0499. Put the facsimile to Linda Temkin’s attention.

E-mail: This is Linda Temkin’s direct email address.

MCLE: 1.25 hours

The cost is ½ and less of what certain bar associations over the hill charge for the same program. Not only that, parking is free (rear of the building).

This will be a good program. I encourage you to attend.

If you want to be deleted from this mailing list, please reply back to me and let me know.



Steven R. Fox

Law Offices of Steven R. Fox

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