cdcbaa Program – Intersection of Bankruptcy and Family Law – March 26, 2016

Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Association

Intersection of Bankruptcy and Family Law – March 26, 2016


Honorable Ernest M. Robles
Bankruptcy Judge, Los Angeles Division

Patrick Green

Southwestern Law School
3050 Wilshire Boulevard
Westmoreland Building – 3rd Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90010

Parking is $10.00

Registration: 10:00am – 11:00am
cdcbaa Membership Meeting: 10:30am – 11:00am
Program: 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

2 Hours of MCLE Credit Provided – Limited Space

Cost: Free to current cdcbaa Members

Non-Members: $250 (which includes cdcbaa membership through December 2016, access to the list serve, admission to all cdcbaa 2016 MCLE Seminars including the Third Annual James T. King Bankruptcy Symposium, and admission to the Eleventh Annual Calvin Ashland Awards Dinner in November 2016).

Judges may attend at no charge.  Judges’ staff and Court Clerk, or US Trustee employees may attend this program for $50

Sign up the day of the seminar with a check payable to cdcbaa or visit our website at to remit payment online.

Next Program: June 18, 2016
Topic: Ethics

Future Seminar:

Third Annual James T. King Bankruptcy Symposium


Hon. Paul Watford, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, University of California, Irvine School of Law
Hon. Martin Barash, Bankruptcy Judge, Central District of California
M. Jonathan Hayes, Simon Resnik Hayes LLP – Moderator

August 13, 2016

Judge Watford wrote the 9th Circuit Opinion in In re Penrod and also In re Schwartz-Tallard.

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