Filings Data for Central District of California

Looks like we are on track for about 50,000 filings this year.  I will add some detail later as to how many of each chapter has been filed, at least recently.

Central District of California
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Jan 3,694 6,004 9,013 10,868 8,835 6,552 -26% 4,917 -25% 3,514 -29%
Feb 3,787 6,971 9,659 10,631 9,307 6,614 -29% 4,779 -28% 3,961 -17%
March 4,381 8,529 12,840 13,543 10,108 7,684 -24% 5,611 -27% 4,633 -17%
April 5,023 8,512 12,114 12,087 9,034 7,515 -17% 5,526 -26% 4,618 -16%
May 5,177 8,967 11,906 11,669 9,620 7,170 -25% 5,659 -21% 4,124 -27%
June 5,351 9,595 12,190 11,718 8,165 6,202 -24% 4,535 -27%
July 5,983 9,894 12,737 10,418 8,201 6,404 -22% 4,871 -24%
Aug 6,195 9,748 12,720 11,496 8,779 6,235 -29% 4,703 -25%
Sept 6,290 9,214 12,412 10,006 7,222 5,407 -25% 4,440 -18%
Oct 6,364 10,322 11,753 9,887 8,438 6,169 -27% 4,684 -24%
Nov 6,029 9,462 10,900 9,099 7,192 4,829 -33% 3,770 -22%
Dec 6,615 9,864 10,925 9,089 6,187 4,516 -27% 3,868 -14%
64,889 107,082 139,169 130,511 101,088 75,297 -26% 57,363 -24%
% of total 0.059 0.075 0.089 0.095 0.852


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