Dear Congress: Chapter 13 Could Use a Little Help

The Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Assn (cdcbaa) is going to hold its second annual Jim King Program on Saturday September 19, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. The two hour Program will be titled

Dear Congress: Chapter 13 Could Use A Little Help!

The panel is

Judge Keith Lundin, Nashville Tn.
Hank Hildebrand, Chapter 13 Trustee Nashville, Tn.
Judge Meredith Jury, Riverside Division, Central District of California
Prof. Katie Porter, University of California Irvine
I will be the moderator (and mostly stay out of the way).

The program will be held either at Southwestern Law School downtown or at Loyola Law School downtown. We will let you know when the venue is finalized.

Judges will be admitted no charge. We will have some sort of small charge to non-cdcbaa members including law clerks.

About half the program will discuss actual changes we would like to recommend to Congress assuming that the eligibility does not change, i.e., assuming that we will see the same basic debtor in the future.

The second half will discuss how we can change chapter 13 to do a better job of helping people save their homes.

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