Note from Nancy Clark, President of cdcbaa

Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys Assn.

Dear Members:

 As the 2014 Holiday Season gets underway, it is never too soon to renew your CDCBAA membership.  We have had a wonderful 2014.  Our seminars have included the Eighth Annual Review of the Ninth Circuit, When is Conversion Kosher, Who is the US Trustee, Meet the Chapter 13 Trustee’s Attorneys,Meet the Judge’s Clerks, Ask the Chapter 7 Trustee and Litigating Contempt. Our first Annual James T. King Bankruptcy Symposium: In Re Bellingham from the Insiders was a great success.  As always, the Earle Hagen Golf, Tennis and Poker Tournament was not only a great success raising a record amount of money for Public Counsel but it was also a lot of fun.  Finally, our Annual Calvin Ashland Award Dinner was well attended by not only our members but also the judges and trustees and honored our soon to be appointed Chief Judge Sheri Bluebond.

 Desmond Hayes has been hard at work on our website and has made a new renewal page for 2015.  He has added a slide to the home page.  The new page also allows members to pay for other members.  There is a link next to the paypal button that allows members to search for other members to add to their order.

 The 2015 CDCBAA Board is already hard at work preparing for 2015.  Jonathan Hayes will kick off our seminars on January 24, 2015 with the Ninth Annual Review of the Ninth Circuit with Judge Victoria Kaufman and newly appointed Judge Martin Barash.  Roksana Moradi is hard at work putting together seminars on HOAs, Drafting Effective Settlement Agreements, and the Unscheduled Lawsuit.  Jonathan Hayes is hard at work on the second Annual James T. King Bankruptcy Symposium which will be titled “Dear Congress!”  Stella Havkin and Michael Gouveia are hard at work on our next CDCBAA Newsletter that will include valuable information.  And if that were not enough, our listserve is an invaluable opportunity to share interesting issues with fellow members.

 For all of the reasons listed above, please consider renewing your CDCBAA membership early.  For those of you looking for a wonderful holiday gift for a colleague, consider the gift of CDCBAA membership.  Finally, for those loyal members, consider introducing colleagues to the CDCBAA and encourage them sign up for what promises to be a fantastic 2015.

 Happy Holidays to you all!!!

Nancy B. Clark
Attorney at Law
Borowitz & Clark, LLP

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