Thank you for volunteering with Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project!


Thank you for volunteering with Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project! Your pro bono participation makes it possible to provide legal assistance, guidance and representation to over 4,000 individuals and families every year at the Los Angeles Self-Help desk, Chapter 7 pro se clinics, reaffirmation hearings in Los Angeles and Woodland Hills, and pro bono placement of Chapter 7 bankruptcy cases and adversary proceedings.


We recently worked collaboratively with the United States Bankruptcy Court in producing two educational videos about the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process. We are happy to announce that the first Chapter 7 educational video is now available on our website. It is about 35 minutes long and is a video-taped overview of Part 1 of the presentation we provide clients at our monthly Chapter 7 pro se clinics.

The link to the Chapter 7 Overview video presentation:

The link is available on Public Counsel’s website under the News Section/videos and is titled “Overview of Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Alternatives to Bankruptcy.”

This project took several months to coordinate with dedicated staff from the United States Bankruptcy Court and wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance.

We would greatly appreciate your assistance with disseminating this video is to clients, organizations or any programs who could benefit from having this information.

The second video will be available later this summer. We will forward you a link once it becomes available.

Thank you again!

Warmest regards,


Magdalena Reyes Bordeaux

Supervising Attorney

Public Counsel

Consumer Law Project &

Debtor Assistance Project

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