2013 Conference of Delegates

Dear Members of the Commercial Law and Bankruptcy Section of the Los Angeles County Bar Association:
Have you ever had occasion to think, “This statute would work better for me and my clients if it said/did  ____ instead”?  This email will describe how you can become involved in effecting changes to California statutory law.

Each year, the Conference of California Bar Associations holds an annual Conference of Delegates in coordination with the State Bar Annual Meeting.   The Conference of Delegates meets to consider and adopt resolutions recommending potential revisions to California statutory law to the California legislature.  The 2013 Conference of Delegates will be held October 11-13, 2013 in coordination with the 2013 State Bar Annual meeting in San Jose.

Each year, the Los Angeles County Bar Association sends a Delegation of LACBA Members to the annual Conference of Delegates.    The 2013 LACBA Delegation will meet during August in advance of the Conference of Delegates to consider and refine resolutions that may be proposed to the Conference of Delegates.  The LACBA Delegation’s August pre-conference meetings are approved for MCLE credit, so participation in the Delegation’s work is an opportunity to be involved with the legislative process, healthy debate, and get MCLE credit.  For more information, visit www.lacba.org/delegation.

In 2012, nine LACBA resolutions were passed by the Conference, and five others were actively negotiated by LACBA to pass in improved amended versions. Four LACBA resolutions from 2008 through 2010 were placed with bill authors, succeeded in the California Legislature and have been chaptered into law, and another three through 2011 are pending.

The Bylaws of the LACBA Delegation provide that each Section may designate a representative as an automatic appointment to the LACBA Delegation.  However, the Bylaws provide further that each such designee must express an interest in serving on the delegation by virtue of having completed an application.   If you wish to serve as a member of the LACBA Delegation to the 2013 Conference of Delegates, please complete, sign and submit the attached application to LACBA in accordance with the instructions on the application form.  If you wish to serve as the Section’s designee, please submit your application and send a copy of the submitted application to me for my receipt on or before March 19, 2013.  The Executive Committee of the Section will select the Section nominee at the Committee’s March 21, 2013, meeting.

Please note that Section designees and all other members of the LACBA Delegation are individually responsible for all expenses incurred as a delegate. LACBA funds may not be used to reimburse volunteers for participation in the Conference of Delegates.

If you are interested in submitting a potential resolution for adoption by the Conference of Delegates, you must send the resolution to Grace Danziger at gdanziger@lacba.org  by January 25, 2013.  See the attached instruction for information on how to format a resolution.

Brian Holman
Section Chair

Click Here for additional information.

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