Mark Your Calendar for the Earle Hagen Golf Tournament

To:  Just About Everyone With An E-Mail Address (In Other Words, Everyone Except Paul Winkler):

SAVE THE DATE of Monday September 30, 2013.  That’s the date of the FIFTH Annual Earle Hagen Memorial Golf And Tennis Tournament.  We’re going to have this year at the Porter Ranch Country Club in Northridge.   Why should you attend?  That’s simple:

1.  It’s for a wonderful tax deductible cause.  Proceeds benefit Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Program.  The Tournament has now generated over $110,000.00 in its four year history, including over $32,000.00 in 2012.  Our goal is to raise over $50,000.00 in 2013, which is the approximate equivalent of one full-time salaried attorney.  Help us reach our goal!

2.  It’s a ton of fun.  We design the golf tournament to be a blast for all caliber of players.  Never picked up a golf club in your life before, other than perhaps in anger?  No problem.  We try hard make certain that each foursome has the ideal blend of ability.  “A” players are teamed together, and “B” players are teamed together.

3.  Even if you don’t care to play golf and tennis, come at a reduced price to the dinner and silent auction!  Also a blast, especially with a hosted bar.

4.  You don’t have to be a debtors’ attorney to come and have a good time.  Creditors’ attorneys are not only welcome, but encouraged to come as well.  We promise we won’t make fun of you.

5.  Be seen!  Every tournament, we get a few more Central District judges and trustees to attend.  It’s an excellent opportunity to hang in a social setting with the professionals you usually only see in court.

6.  The 2012 tournament was held on October 1 on the assumption that the weather would be cool…but it turned out to be the hottest day of the year.  So this year we moved it up to September 30…therefore much less likely to be as hot as October 1.

Details will follow in the coming months, but…SAVE THE DATE!  And have a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year!

The Earle Hagen Memorial Golf Tournament Committee

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