Central District Bankruptcy Filings Compared to New York and Texas

Total bankruptcy filings in the Central District of Cal in November 2012:  7,192

Total bankruptcy filings in November, 2012 for New York AND Texas: 6,576

TXEB 525
TXNB 1333
TXSB 1094
TXWB 892
NYEB 1029
NYNB 641
NYSB 664
NYWB 398

3 Replies to Central District Bankruptcy Filings Compared to New York and Texas

  1. As someone with a foot in both CDCA and SDNY/EDNY (the districts are separated by a 3 minute subway ride) I can vouch for the fact that CDCA is far busier in terms of raw numbers. The problem, however, is that 45% of the CDCA filings are pro se, whereas most SDNY/EDNY cases are with a lawyer. That means the cases in New York are more likely overall to complete successfully and with less difficulty.

    • I don’t think its 45% pro se, more like 28% I think, but I have long assumed that part of the reason for the high activity is the pro se chapter 13s that are filed by real estate agents and others simply to buy a couple more weeks before moving. Thanks for the post.

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