July Bar Exam Results Are In

SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 16, 2012, 6 p.m. – The State Bar of California’s Committee of Bar Examiners reported today that 55.3 percent of the applicants passed the July 2012 General Bar Examination (GBX).  If the 4,834 people who passed the July 2012 exam satisfy other requirements for admission, they will become members of the State Bar.

Preliminary statistical analyses show that of the 8,737 applicants who took the GBX, 74.2 percent were first-time takers. The passing rate for 6,485 first-time applicants was 68 percent overall. The passing rate for the 2,252 applicants repeating the examination was 18 percent overall.

What jumped out at me is this fact:

Out of the total taking the Attorneys’ Examination, 25 were disciplined lawyers who took the examination as a condition of reinstatement; one (1) disciplined lawyer passed.

Read all about it here.

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