Update on Chapter 13 Confirmation Hearings

Below are some statistics I have compiled from Kathy Dockery’s website.  In four days of hearings with Judge Klein and Judge Bason, there were 500 matters on calendar of which 29% were confirmed, 12% dismissed and 54% continued.

Total Confirmed Dismissed Cont’d Moot
NB – 10/11/12 135 38 0.28 19 0.14 74 0.55 4
SK – 10/4/12 105 24 0.23 13 0.12 59 0.56 9
NB – 10/22/12 153 51 0.33 14 0.09 82 0.54 6
SK – 10/18/12 107 34 0.32 16 0.15 55 0.51 2
500 147 0.29 62 0.12 270 0.54 21

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