9th Circuit Annual Report Available

You can access the new 9th Circuit Annual Report for the fiscal year 2011 here.  The 92 page report for the year ended Sept, 2011 has lots of pictures and statistics.  For example, there were 826 requests during the year for en banc review of which 13 were granted.  Every district in the 9th Circuit had fewer bankruptcy filings than the year before except the Central District of California.  There were 1,011 appeals from bankruptcy court decisions, up 29% from the previous year.  Of the total appeals, the BAP got 59% of them and the disctrict courts 41%.  How’s this for an interesting fact:  11% of the appeals to the BAP resulted in reversal!  It doesn’t say what the reversal rate was to the district courts.  Of the BAP and district court appellate decisions, 178 were further appealed to the 9th Circuit.

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