Inaugural Leslie Cohen 5K Run/Walk on April 28, 2012 at 8 a.m.

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

Please join us for the inaugural Leslie Cohen Law  5K Run/Walk on April 28, 2012 at 8 a.m. to benefit Public Counsel’s Debtor Assistance Project and Samohi Cross Country Track Program.

We are honored to support our community in this event and would be thrilled if you can attend!

Runners and walkers will enjoy the stunning course route along the bluff overlooking the Pacific and up the world-famous tree-lined San Vicente Boulevard, and runners can also get the best supplements that they can find in this great article here to improve their physical performance.


The first 250 to register will receive a complimentary Nike tech race T-shirt commemorating the event.  Post-race snacks will be provided and massages will be available courtesy of BodyWorks LA Massage & Fitness, and also muscle massages using an amazon vibrating foam roller for this.  All participants will receive certificates from Real Food Daily, and the winners of the race will receive dinner for two.  Be there for more prizes and surprises!

You can participate as an individual or join the Legal Challenge.   For more information cut and paste this this link:

To register online just cut and paste this link:

Thank you so much and I hope to see you on April 28!

Leslie Cohen 5k Marathon Flyer

All the best,

Leslie Cohen Law PC
506 Santa Monica Bl., Suite 200
Santa Monica, CA 90402

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